Academic research on email use and wellbeing

Work related stress is widespread and is not confined to particular sectors, jobs or industries.

It develops because a person is unable to cope with the demands being placed on them.

Work related stress can be a significant cause of illness and is known to be linked with high levels of sickness absence and staff turnover.

Email is proven by Glasgow University to be one of top causes of work related stress.


Academic research study

Independent research specialists, Work and Well-Being Ltd were appointed to evaluate the impact of Emailogic’s email etiquette training programme.

This was rolled out to staff at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust as part of the London hospital’s bid to support staff well-being and effectiveness.

100 managers were selected to attend one of four email management sessions.

Watch the video by clicking on the image opposite.


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Results from the study

As a result of the training, measured improvements included:
- 31 minutes saved per person per day
- Time saved equated to £220,000 per 100 managers trained
- Focus increased by 13%
- Distraction from email down by -18%
- Stress from email cut by -13%
- Worn down by email down by -13%


Attend an exclusive preview

If you’re the decision maker and budget holder for training in your organisation – and want to invest in a guaranteed way of boosting staff productivity – we invite you to participate in an exclusive preview of our ‘Effective Email’ training session via live webinar. 

Click here now to book your place.

Alternatively, contact us below to book a personal one to one webinar meeting to discuss how Emailogic can help change the email culture in your organisation.


Send us a Message

For costs or to attend a taster session fill out the form or call +44 (0) 1452 886 556.