Parlez-vous the language of training?

One of the great things about using webinar technology to deliver training products is that you can train people who have different working patterns, who work in different countries and speak different languages.

As long as you can adapt, translate and deliver that product to suit the local needs you can expand your company’s offering fairly easily.

The challenge of course is getting the correct translation from the original text, a native (or at least fluent) speaker / Trainer to deliver the training and (in the case of webinars) a system that has foreign language flexibility to ensure that all communication regarding access is easily translated into the language in question.

GoToTraining (which we use at Emailogic) translates joining instructions etc into the language of your choice automatically.

For 17 years Emailogic have been delivering award winning email training face to face and for the last 4 years via webinar. Now we are able to deliver this course in French and next year we aim to roll out tour flagship email course in other European languages.

This training has already been delivered “en français” to staff at AXA IM, Fellowes and L’Oréal with more sessions scheduled in the coming months.

Excitingly, in 2016 Emailogic training will also be available in Spanish, German and Italian – via live webinar and face to face. So if you want to be able to cascade this training to your European colleagues give us a call today and we will be able to help you plan your foreign language delivery.

All evaluations are delivered in your language of choice too.

For an initial discussion about delivering our email training to your French-speaking teams please call 00 44 (0)1452 886 556 and speak to Katie Carter.

Jason Conway