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Email volume growing until 2025

For 22 years Emailogic have been working with private and public organisations changing email culture and training people how to communicate with and manage their email efficiently.

Both we and our customers know that after attending Emailogic training people save time – over half an hour a day. They cut their inboxes by up to 40% and reduce irrelevant traffic. However, most importantly they communicate more effectively and experience significantly less email related stress. They become acutely aware of the impact their email use can have, not only on their own personal productivity but on that of their colleagues and the organisation as a whole.

Whilst we have been using email for decades, there are many new ways of communicating and collaborating such as MS Teams Meetings, Chat and other collaborative cloud-based systems – all of which are user friendly and used widely.

Yet according to the world’s most respected specialist messaging research company Radicati, ‘The total number of business and consumer emails sent and received per day will exceed 333 billion in 2022, and is forecast to grow to over 376 billion by year-end 2025.’

Yet ask yourself whether your email volume is reducing? Whether there is another dominant method of communication in your business?

A research study commissioned by Hewlett Packard conducted with 1100 email users demonstrated that emails have ‘an addictive drug like grip’. People were measured and found to be far less productive when message alerts were on (clue here) resulting in an average fall in IQ levels of 10 points (cannabis users display a loss of only 4 points!). Have you ever wondered why we call email users “users”?

Also ask yourself are the people in your organisation using email as effectively and efficiently as they should be? Of course they can improve.

At Emailogic we say you shouldn’t be trying to improve email use you should be brilliant at it –it is the main way you communicate.

And given that the research shows that email volume is going to continue to grow every year for the foreseeable future isn’t it time you gave your people training on how to communicate and manage their email most effectively. How to be a responsible email user, how to manage relationships effectively through email and stop the passive aggressive rubbish that happens so often and does not represent who we are and the values of our organisation.

It costs only £50 + VAT per person and takes 90 minutes. Don’t you want your staff to save over half an hour a day?

Find out more about email management training or call a member of our friendly team on +44 (0)203 154 6611.