Effective Meetings – how to get better results from you meetings

Course title:   Effective Meetings 
Duration:        75 minutes
Format:           Face to face, live webinar or train the trainer
Suitable for:   Anyone who attends business meetings (as a chair or attendee)

How often do you find yourself in another meeting thinking “Why am I here? This is not a good use of my time”

You are not alone.

We were surprised by the results of some research we undertook with our clients, which found that:

·       Managers spend 45 hours every month in meetings

·       56% of meetings started late or ran over time

·       61% of meetings had no agenda.

Focused and productive meetings can be achieved easily – by using some common sense tips:

1. Agenda – it needs clear objectives with realistic timescales, circulated well in advance.
2. Attendees – who absolutely needs to be there? Do they need to be there for the whole meeting?
3. Attentiveness – insist that mobiles and laptops are switched OFF
4. Actions – send minutes out within 2 days:  what is to be done, by whom and by when.

If this sounds like common sense but not common practice, why not invest in some training? Given the number of meetings managers attend, this training will be time well spent and the quality and outcomes of your meetings will improve as a result.

This session covers

·       How to prepare and plan for a meeting to ensure the best use of everyone’s time

·       Techniques for hosting successful meetings (including virtual meetings)

·       How to drive to the objective and keep discussions on track

·       Creating commitments with accountability, ownership and agreed timescales

After attending this session delegates will be able to:

·       Ensure meetings they go to or host are well prepared and well attended

·       Make the meetings they attend produce better decisions and actions

·       Reduce the time they spend in meetings.

 ‘Effective Meetings’ includes a presentation, practical exercises and personal action planning. Before and after measurements will be evaluated. Every delegate will receive a comprehensive learning guide. 

We guarantee attendees will start having more productive meetings as a result of this course – or we’ll refund the full cost of your training.
If you’re the decision maker and budget holder for training in your organisation – and are looking to invest in a guaranteed way of boosting staff productivity – we invite you to participate in an exclusive preview of our ‘Effective Email’ training session via live webinar.

Please call us on +44 (0)1452 886 556 to request a place or complete the form below and we’ll be in touch. 

Please note: places are limited and for the ultimate decision and makers and budget holders for training services only. We reserve the right to refuse access to the webinar if you do not fulfil the qualification criteria. 


If you’d like to book a place or find out more please call us on+44 (0)1452 886556or complete the form below.