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What is an Active Bystander?

Being an Active Bystander means being aware when someone's behaviour is inappropriate or threatening – and choosing to challenge it.

We are all bystanders, every day we witness all kinds of things. How we choose to respond to the things we see is what makes us active or passive. The Active Bystander model provides a number of appropriate responses to challenge behaviours constructively and safely. It has had a major impact in changing cultures from the military to universities and businesses across all cultures.

What can we do to become Active rather than Passive Bystanders?

We can choose to take action when we witness unacceptable behaviour or incidents where perhaps someone is unable to respond. This action does not have to be direct, it can be to report or signpost what happened, or if necessary call the emergency services rather than walking on by.

Being active rather than passive means you are playing your part in stopping something from recurring. You might give the ‘victim’ the courage or confidence to act to prevent further incidents. It’s about being part of a positive culture change and helping us all get to a place where inappropriate or threatening behaviour is effectively challenged.

Emailogic offer 90 or 180 minute Active Bystander Training which will give your staff the tools to tackle incidents of abuse and discrimination as they arise.

After attending ‘Active Bystander’ delegates will:

  • Understand what being an Active Bystander means

  • Know the group psychology which can stop us from intervening

  • Understand how to intervene most effectively to prevent destructive behaviours

To find out more email or call a member of our friendly team on +44(0)203 154 6611.