What’s stopping you delivering excellent webinars….
Now most of us are working from home, we’ve had to fast become experts in many areas. We’re now all the Facilities Manager for our workspace, responsible for many home related IT issues, desk space, office equipment, we are looking after our work-life balance, Head of Catering, and sometimes Home-Schooling teachers!
In our working life the use of webinars has gone through the roof, and suddenly we’re expected to be experts in this space too. We’re asked to convert face-to-face training into engaging webinars, or successfully run virtual meetings or briefings with dozens of colleagues.
I’m expected to be a webinar expert how can I become one?
Webinars are potentially a fantastic communication tool, but they can be daunting or even traumatic to run. Will the home broadband cope? Have I got the right kit? What’s the best webinar platform to use? How long should it last, and what’s the optimum number of delegates? Once it gets going, how do I keep people engaged, especially given that research shows 92% of people multi-task on webinars? How much content do I need? How do I make my content interactive? How do I know if they are connecting with my content? How do I stay in control?
And what can I do about it?
Emailogic customers have purchased 1,000s of professional webinars which we have delivered globally for over 12 years. Customers include companies such as: HSBC, Standard Chartered, Citrix, Rabobank, William Grant and Sons, Axiom and Sony to name just a few. The quality of Emailogic webinars is exceptionally high.
You can learn, from all our experience, to design interactive content and deliver engaging world class webinars. We can help you achieve the same results with virtual training as you do face to face. We can help you to choose the right webinar platform for you, and support you in making using the technology second nature.
How can you meet my particular requirement for HR and training webinars?
We can teach you to deliver any style of webinar, whether it is: skills training, virtual workshops, virtual classrooms, broadcast webinars to large groups, 121 coaching, leadership training and much more. We will teach you how to use all the interactive tools such as polls, hands-up, breakout rooms, whiteboards and other innovative third party tools – to make your webinars so exciting and engaging your audience won’t want to do anything else but be with you 100%.
We know there is nothing that you have done face to face that you can't deliver by webinar. And we can help you achieve webinar excellence.
To learn more contact us for a friendly chat about your needs by calling +44 (0)1452 886556 or email enquiries@emailogic.com