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Navigating the AI Age with Meta Skills

A major topic of debate currently among the team here at Emailogic has been the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the future world of work, and what it will mean in terms of jobs lost but also roles created.    

As a consultancy interested in helping our clients’ drive behaviour change and organisational development, our specific interest is in what skills will be required in this new AI age. 

In his prescient 2012 book, ‘Metaskills: Five Talents for the Robotic Age’, Marty Neumeier explains how automation drives the progression from creative and skilled work to robotic work, capable of being done by machines. He extolls the increasing need for employees therefore to develop skills which drive their ability to communicate, work in teams, be resilient and think for themselves. Neumeier groups these skills into five talents: Feeling, Seeing, Dreaming, Making, & Learning.     

We believe we have a wealth of existing courses which help to develop these skills, such as our popular ‘Understanding Emotional Intelligence’ and ‘Effective Communication using Stories’ sessions. 

In addition, to meet the need for the Meta Skills identified by Neumeier and also driven in part by Customer requests, we are currently developing a 90 minute ‘Meta Skills for the AI Age’ course. Like all Emailogic sessions, this will be powerful, interactive, engaging and thought provoking…and delivered by our expert human facilitators.

For more information about Emailogic’s ‘Meta Skills for the AI Age’ course contact